Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Digital Teaching

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Digital Teaching and Learning | FAQs on Online Education | Questions on Inclusion | How can I use Zoom with students with hearing impairments?

How can I use Zoom with students with hearing impairments?

For people with hearing impairments picture and sound qualities are extremely important. If you hear little, it is more difficult to know in a video conference, who is speaking.

Any background noices and feedback effects should be avoided.

Keep in mind, however, that not all people with hearing impairments can understand voice over headphones. In particular, people who rely on lip reading, may not be able to fully participate in video calls (due to poor sound and picture quality). Live subtitles can help. Please also read our FAQ item: “How can I set up subtitles in Zoom?” 

In some situations it may make sense to invite a sign language interpreter into the meeting. Interpreters can join your Zoom meeting as a participant. Students, who rely on the interpreter’s service, can pin the interpreter’s video to their screen so it will be shown permanently. In the same way, the interpreter can pin the videos of deaf participants to his or her screen, so he or she can see the participants and take up their questions.

You can find further information on how to do video conferences for people with hearing impairments on the website of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing Technology Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center.