The Journal Club on Hybrid Teaching is a regular discussion event of the Berlin Hybrid Teaching Network (Netzwerk Hybride Lehre), which offers instructors and students across Berlin the opportunity to delve into concepts and practices around hybrid teaching, learning and examination scenarios based on current publications. In this session we will discuss the following article:
Detyna, M. & Koch, M. (2023). An Overview of Student Perceptions of Hybrid Flexible Learning at a London HEI, in: Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2023(1)
The session will begin with a short presentation of the article in English and we will then open the discussion to all to consider the possible applications to teaching. Participants are welcome to join the discussion in English or German.
Registration is recommended for this event (and required for in-person participation). Please use this form to register.
If you have specific requirements that would make this event more accessible to you, please write them in the "Comments" field.
Please register for this event in the German page!